JGL Forensic Services - Where Integrity and Business Meet

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
On December 8, 2020, business, labour and government signed an agreement stating that money from the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) would be used to fund yet another bailout for Eskom.
Geordin Hill-Lewis, the DA’s Shadow Minister of Finance called the deal a betrayal of workers and the public.
Which is pretty much what can be said for every single bailout the government has ever given to our limping State Owned Enterprises in the past few years.

Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
They say that people are an organisation’s greatest asset. That, although salaries usually account for any company’s biggest expense, good employees don’t actually represent a cost, but rather a intelligent investment that ultimately offers a great return.
And it’s true that employees who perform well undoubtedly help your company perform well too. Your staff are at the heart of what makes your business tick, and multiple studies show that when employees feel valued and recognised, they are more engaged and productive. Productivity equals profits, so everybody wins.
Except when they don’t.
What happens when your employees, instead of contributing to your organisation’s success, are actually putting it at risk?

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
With a scan three day South Africans were told that they would go into lock-down on the 27th March 2020.
Businesses all over the country scrambled to set up their key employees to work from home. While this measure was designed to help keep employees safe from infection risk, it inadvertently created a danger of a very different kind. People usually worked in enterprises or on university networks that were closely monitored and secured.
The sudden move to unsecured home networks left a gaping hole for criminals to exploit.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
As our long lockdown continues, with no immediate end in sight, the edges are starting to unravel. We hear more and more, on various media platforms, how people are growing increasingly restless and frustrated, challenging the Government’s decisions on what is and isn’t permissible under level 4 restrictions. Why, for example, can we buy winter clothes but not underwear? Why can’t we buy cigarettes? Of course, these are only some of the frustrations for South Africans.
Underneath it all, a deep and dangerous fear is growing. Companies are cutting jobs, cutting salaries or putting people on unpaid leave. Livelihoods are being threatened. People are hungry. As is often the case, individuals will bear the brunt of any recession, and we can expect to see an increase in improper conduct as people cross the line to protect their positions. The longer the lockdown continues, the more the pressure will build.