JGL Forensic Services - Where Integrity and Business Meet

We help you develop an ethical, sustainable business so that together, we build a country we are all proud of.

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JGL Forensics

Where Business & Integrity Meet

JGL Forensic Services is an internationally recognised forensic services company helping businesses and government departments develop ethical, sustainable practices so that together we build a country we are all proud of.

As your Business Compass, we embody Integrity, Professionalism and Quality.


Thursday Jul 04, 2024

Dear Team,
In our volatile economy, doing the right thing matters more than ever. Our success doesn’t just depend on what we do; it’s about how we do it. That’s why ethical behaviour and following company rules isn’t a just a nice thing to do, it is a MUST—it’s a way to keep our jobs safe and our company strong. Each of us plays a crucial role, so we need to do the right thing, every day.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

In the bustling arena of South African business, the fight against economic crime is a relentless battle that requires more than just legal adherence; it demands the cultivation of a robust culture of compliance. This culture, rooted in integrity and ethical conduct, serves as a shield against the threats that businesses face. 

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

In so many cases of private and public sector fraud and corruption, it’s the company CEO or senior government official at the heart of the scandal. This creates a culture of corruption that is very hard to reverse.
There are occasions, however, when high level CEO fraud is not actually committed by a CEO at all.

Friday Jun 14, 2024

Johann Steynberg, founder of the Mirror Trading International Ponzi scheme, may reportedly have faked his demise. While under house arrest in Brazil and facing extradition to South Africa, he apparently died from acute respiratory failure. Craig Warriner, another major fraudster, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for his BHI Trust Ponzi scheme. Both cases underscore the extensive financial damage caused and serve as a warning against "too good to be true" investments.

Friday Jun 14, 2024

I’ve written before about the power of one, and this has never been more evident than right here on our doorstep. It’s all about individual actions inspiring collective responsibility.
Our role in building a better future for our country is bigger, and extends far further, than simply voting in an election. 

Friday Jun 14, 2024

A recent report from Reuters says that “Italy's mafia rarely dirties its hands with blood these days. Extortion rackets have gone out of fashion and murders are largely frowned upon by the godfathers.”

Thursday May 30, 2024

You may or may not have heard of the Gorilla Experiment.
Regular readers of my articles will remember it highlights what scientists call selective perception – the tendency of our brains to slightly close the curtains on the windows of our minds and focus only on the thing we expect to see/hear/experience at that moment.
In itself, selective perception is not a bad thing. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s a critical function of our brains. 

Tuesday May 21, 2024

While assassinated whistleblower Babita Deokaran is surely turning in her grave, countless corrupt individuals continue to dance on it.
Whoever coined the phrase “Crime doesn’t pay” clearly never lived in South Africa.
The injustice of the situation is absolute, and the insult to Babita Deokaran’s memory is breathtaking.

The Power of One

Tuesday May 14, 2024

Tuesday May 14, 2024

If you think one second doesn’t make a difference, talk to the Comrades Marathon runner who finished the race in 12 hours and 1 second.
If you think one day doesn’t make a difference, speak to the person who’s just lost their life partner and would give anything to have just one more day with them.
On the surface, one is a small number, and yet it has exponential potential many of us don’t fully appreciate, understand or capitalise on.

The Weaponisation of Water

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a distinct sense of déjà vu right about now? I can’t be the only one drawing parallels in my mind between our more recent water crisis and the electricity catastrophe that’s plagued South Africa to a lesser or greater degree since 2008.

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